How do I print from a library computer?


Step 1
Sending your work to the printer from a library computer

1. Save your work
2. Press Ctrl + P
3. Make sure “Destination” is set to “Pharos HP Printer - CI”
4. Click “Print"

*Note: The default setting on the library computers is to print double-sided. If you would prefer single-sided prints, unclick the option to "Print on both sides" under "More Settings" after clicking "Print".

Step 2
Paying for and printing out your documents at the library

1. Make sure you have DolphinCash loaded onto your student ID card. For instructions on how to load DolphinCash onto your DolphinOne Card click here
2. Go to the IT HelpDesk (Room 1350)
3. Swipe your DolphinOne Card at one of the printers (please give the printer a moment to sign you in)
4. Select the document you want to print, then press “Print”...
- or -
... press “Print All” to print everything displayed.

  • Last Updated Sep 29, 2021
  • Views 88
  • Answered By Rayheem Eskridge

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